On the 23th and 24th of November 2024, the 17th Council of the European Pirate Party (PPEU) was organized in Prague. The collective that expresses and unites the glorious Pirate Movement, focusing on what really matters, decided to denounce the video game industry for its serial violation of Directives 93/13/EEC and 2011/83/EU: they abuse their position in their relationship with gamers by depriving them of access to the games they have bought, when they decide to stop supporting these games.
Exhibiting an impeccable sense of responsibility, the Council of the PPEU decided to defer discussion of a Resolution brought by the Pirate Party of Greece (PPGR) on the ongoing genocide in Gaza. After all, without a final verdict of a court of law, we cannot speak of genocide; this would violate Bibi’s presumption of innocence. Besides, such issues are too important for it to intervene hastily and under the influence of “tankies” and “far-left woke snowflakes”. Conversely, any discussion on the United Nations United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29). The PPEU cannot rush to issue climate-related statements! Before we do, we must listen to the totally reputable Visegrád24, which is now an essential news and information source for many European Pirates.
The European Pirate Party deserves all the praise and congratulations the political world can give. It tenaciously refsisted the voices of the “woke Social Justice Warriors” for a ceasefire in Gaza and for the recognition of Palestinians as human beings! It resisted the shrill “leftist snowflakes” that shriek about the climate, but in reality want the “Global North” to plant money trees for the lazy “Global South”! Additionally, in a move that is a prime example of true diligence and seriousness, it decided this time to not publish the minutes of the sessions immediately, but do it at a later, more convenient time. Finally, true to the purely computer nerd roots of the Pirate Movement, the PPEU fought for your inalienable right to continue playing Ubisoft’s “The Crew”, an all-important right about which no “mainstream” party dares talk, leaving the poor gamers at the mercy of the big video game publishers!
One might wonder why we describe the Council in such a sarcastic manner. We are afraid there is no other way to depict the pitiful reality of the PPEU. Clinging on to the historically illiterate axiom concerning the “obsolete Left-Center-Right axis” and to the dogma of an ill-conceived “political flexibility”, it has become now an apolitical entity, concerned only with organizational and administrative matters. So, the PPEU has withdrawn from any actual formulation and practice of politics, creating a political vacuum.
Within the context of this entity, the PPGR is now left as the sole Pirate Party that historically and consistently, in every Council it participates, submits concrete, concise, and clear political proposals, placing the other Pirate Parties before their responsibility to fill this political vacuum.
Within this framework, we Greek Pirates feel obliged to pursue the following course of action:
- Promote the reinforcement of the political dialog and cooperation between interested member parties of the PPEU, focusing on the formulation of common political positions on international developments and truly important matters that emerge, such as the climate catastrophe, the state of lawlessness in international relations, the threat of a global nuclear holocaust, the planned, profit-driven degradation (enshittification) of all aspects of human activity, the threats to freedom of expression, and so on.
- Contribute to the return of the Pirate Movement to the essence of its ideology.
- Exert pressure to a fundamental overhaul of the procedures of the PPEU’s Council, aiming to place emphasis on the development and promotion of political positions and the strengthening of the Pirate Movement’s presence of the political and social scene.
- Promote the strengthening of the communication and active participation of member parties in the decision-making process and the activities of the PPEU.
#EuropeanPirateParty #PPEU #17thPPEUCouncil #PirateMovement